ITP 404: Advanced Front-End Web Development

(11/29) Week 15 - Higher-Order Functions and Components, Authentication (Recorded)

(11/22) Week 14 - Careers in Tech, Quiz 2 (Zoom)

(11/15) Week 13 - Testing Components (Recorded)

(11/8) Week 12 - Patterns for Building Reusable Components

(11/1) Week 11 - Building Real-Time Web Applications with WebSockets, Class Components

(10/25) Week 10 - Client-side Routing (Part 3), Building Modals with Portals

(10/18) Week 9 - Midterm

(10/11) Week 8 - REST APIs, JSON Server, fetch (Part 2), Client-side Routing (Part 2)

(10/4) Week 7 - Client-side Routing (Part 1)

(9/27) Week 6 - Form Controls and Data Flow (Recorded)

(9/20) Week 5 - Quiz 1, Rendering Lists, Conditional Rendering, Deploying to Surge (Recorded)

(9/13) Week 4 - Running React Locally, useEffect, Working with Arrays

(9/6) Week 3 - Promises (Part 3), Introduction to JavaScript Frameworks (React)

(8/30) Week 2 - Promises (Part 2), fetch (Part 1), Client-side Templating, Event Delegation

(8/23) Week 1 - Course Intro, Asynchronous vs. Synchronous, JSON, AJAX, Promises (Part 1), XSS