Assignment 9

For this assignment, you will write tests for a SortableTable component. The implementation for this component will be provided separately once Assignment 7 (due 11/20 at 11:59pm, no extensions) is turned in. Create the file SortableTable.test.js with the following tests:

import { render, fireEvent } from "@testing-library/react";
import SortableTable from "./SortableTable";

const columns = [
    field: "title",
    header: "Title",
    field: "score",
    header: "Score",

const rows = [
  { title: "Post A", score: 5 },
  { title: "Post B", score: 3 },
  { title: "Post D", score: 9 },
  { title: "Post E", score: 8 },
  { title: "Post C", score: 1 },

test("the table headers", () => {
    <SortableTable rows={rows} columns={columns} defaultSort="score:desc" />

  // You should have at least 2 assertions
  // Verify that the Title table header renders "Title"
  // Verify that the Score table header renders "Score (desc)"

test("rendering rows with a numeric field default sort in ascending order", () => {
    <SortableTable rows={rows} columns={columns} defaultSort="score:asc" />

  // You should have at least 6 assertions
  // Verify that the table rows are rendered in the correct order
  // Verify that the correct table header has the correct sort direction

test("rendering rows with a numeric field default sort in descending order", () => {
    <SortableTable rows={rows} columns={columns} defaultSort="score:desc" />

  // You should have at least 6 assertions
  // Verify that the table rows are rendered in the correct order
  // Verify that the correct table header has the correct sort direction

test("rendering rows with a string field default sort in ascending order", () => {
    <SortableTable rows={rows} columns={columns} defaultSort="title:asc" />

  // You should have at least 6 assertions
  // Verify that the table rows are rendered in the correct order
  // Verify that the correct table header has the correct sort direction

test("rendering rows with a string field default sort in descending order", () => {
    <SortableTable rows={rows} columns={columns} defaultSort="title:desc" />

  // You should have at least 6 assertions
  // Verify that the table rows are rendered in the correct order
  // Verify that the correct table header has the correct sort direction

test("clicking on a table header with the sort reverses the sort", () => {
    <SortableTable rows={rows} columns={columns} defaultSort="title:desc" />

  // You should have at least 12 assertions

test("clicking on a table header without the sort applies an ascending sort to that column", () => {
    <SortableTable rows={rows} columns={columns} defaultSort="title:desc" />

  // You should have at least 12 assertions

All your tests should pass. I have already included data-testid attributes on all the elements that you'll need to access in your tests in the provided implementation of SortableTable.


Send an email to me and the TA with your CodeSandbox link. Use "ITP 404 - Assignment 9" as the email subject.