Assignment 2

Build this assignment in CodeSandbox.

For this assignment, you will build a dad joke search application using the icanhazdadjoke API.

The Search Form

At the top of the page, create a form with a single search input and a submit button. When a user submits the form, make an AJAX request using the fetch function to get a list of dad jokes that match the value that was typed into the search box. For example, if a user types in "cat", make an AJAX request to If a user submits the form without typing a search term, make an AJAX request to

Unlike other APIs we've used in this class, this API requires sending the Accept HTTP header. For example:

fetch("", {
  method: "GET",
  headers: { Accept: "application/json" },
  .then(response => {
    return response.json();
  .then(data => {

This API uses the Accept header to determine the format it should respond with. Setting the Accept header to application/json tells the API to respond with JSON.

Bind to the submit event on the form element instead of binding to the click event on the submit button. For example:

$("form").on("submit", function (event) {
  event.preventDefault(); // prevents the form from submitting to another page

  // put your AJAX code here

Rendering the Results

When the AJAX request responds with the data and there are results (results isn't an empty array), render the following using Handlebars:

  • Render total_jokes at the top of the results.
  • Render each joke within results.
  • Render current_page and total_pages underneath the list of dad jokes.
  • Add Previous Page and Next Page buttons underneath the list of dad jokes so a user can paginate the results. Use the previous_page and next_page properties. Most of the search terms only return a single page. When this happens, the previous_page and next_page properties contain the value 1. It is fine if clicking these buttons just search for page 1 again. If you submit the form without a search term, you will get back a result set that contains multiple pages. You can also search for "the" and you'll get a result set that contains multiple pages.

If there are no results (results is an empty array), simply render a paragraph with the text "No results found".

A Loading Spinner

While an AJAX request is pending (during initial load and paginating results), show a loading indicator on the screen using one of these CSS spinners. Put the HTML for this loading spinner in a separate Handlebars template. Be sure to change the foreground color to something other than white if your app has a white background.


Send an email to me and the TA with your CodeSandbox link. Use "ITP 404 - Assignment 2" as the email subject.