(11/27) Week 15 - Developer Careers Q&A Forum in KAP 160
- Michal Meyers - Software Engineer at Sada Systems
- Jessie Wong - Software Engineer at Honey
- Sam Darabi - UI Engineering Manager at Verizon Digital Media Services / Oath
(11/20) Week 14 - No class (Thanksgiving)
(11/13) Week 13 - No class
- Video recording on Building an API in Node with Express and SQLite and connecting to it from an Ember app
- Finn will be in the usual classroom if you want help with anything
(11/6) Week 12 - Guest Lecture with Kabir Kang on React in ZHS163
(10/30) Week 11 - Testing
- Arrange, Act, Assert
- Application Tests
- Testing Components
- Testing Helpers
- Ember Test Helpers
- QUnit verifySteps
- Assignment 6
(10/23) Week 10 - Helpers and Components
(10/16) Week 9 - Ember Data Adapters and Serializers and Custom APIs
- Serializer Overview
- JSONSerializer
- RESTSerializer
- JSONAPISerializer
- Mirage Serializers
- Ember Data in the Wild
(10/9) Week 8 - CRUD pages (part 2) - Create, Edit, and Delete
- Forms, Actions, and Controllers
- Assignment 4
- Lab 3 - Project Proposal
(10/2) Week 7 - Midterm
The midterm will be an in-class practical where you will complete a few exercises on topics you learned in the weeks leading up to the exam. You can use previous assignments, notes, and the internet to look things up during the exam. You are not allowed to communicate with anyone in or outside of the class by any means. To study, review assigned readings, past assignments and labs, and slides. You will have the entire class period.
(9/25) Week 6 - CRUD pages (part 1) - List and Detail pages
- JavaScript Frameworks 1: Ember.js
- REST Slides
- Mocking an API with Ember CLI Mirage
- Lab 2 - Sample Midterm
(9/18) Week 5 - Intro to Ember
- JavaScript Frameworks 1: Ember.js
- Routes, Templates, Actions, and Loading Data
- Ember Guides
- Lab 1
(9/11) Week 4 - JavaScript Classes and Google Maps
- Starter files
- Reading: JavaScript Constructor Functions and Classes
- Reading: Google Maps and Geolocation
- Assignment 3
(9/4) Week 3 - Client-side Templating with Handelbars.js
(8/28) Week 2 - Ajax, JSON, and Promises
- HTTP Fundamentals
- Ajax (slides), JSON, and Promises
- Synchronous vs Asynchronous Demo
- Assignment 1
(8/21) Week 1 - Course Introduction
- Traditional Web Apps vs. Single Page Apps
- Command Line Basics
- Introduction to Git and Github