Recreating Gmail - Part 2

Last reviewed on October 16, 2018

In this assignment, you will be working off of the same repo as the last assignment where you are recreating a simplified version of the Gmail interface.

A truncate-text Helper

Instead of truncating the text via CSS, create a helper to do this. This way, the full message won't be in the DOM in the email list. Name the helper truncate-text. This helper should receive 2 arguments. The first argument is the text and the second argument is a number specifies how long the text should be.

A StarButton Component

Create a StarButton component with the following API:

  @onClick={{action "star"}} />
  • starred is a boolean. If true, show a filled star. If false, show an empty star.
  • onClick is a function that is fired when the star is clicked.

This component should adhere to the Data Down, Actions Up (DDAU) paradigm. This means that onClick should get invoked when the star is clicked with the new starred boolean. The component should not modify starred directly. The star action should set the new starred value.

Next, implement this on the email list view so that emails can be quickly starred.

Add an attribute called starred to the email model. When the star button is clicked, each email instance should update and persist to the backend.

Displaying Starred Emails

Update the email list view to display starred emails at the top in a section titled "Starred". The section below should contain all of the other emails. As part of this requirement, create a component for displaying a single email in the list and use it in both the starred and unstarred sections.


You don't have to make it look exactly like Gmail, but try and get the placement of things to be similar.


Deploy your app to Surge as you did in the previous assignment.


Push your code up to the same repo, which should be called itp404-gmail. Send an email with the GitHub repo URL and the Surge URL to the TA and myself.