Deploying React Projects to

Last reviewed on October 17, 2019

We can easily deploy React projects created with Create React App to, the static web publishing platform for front-end developers.

Here is the TLDR:

npm install -g surge
npm run build
cd build
mv index.html 200.html

Ok, now with a little more of an explanation. First, install surge via NPM:

npm install -g surge

Next, build your project. This will get output to a build directory:

npm run build

Next, we'll cd into that build directory and rename index.html to 200.html:

cd build
mv index.html 200.html

If we don't rename index.html, everything will work fine, but if we've implemented client-side routing (maybe with React Router) and we navigate to a new route and refresh the page, we'll get a 404 "page not found" error. Since many React projects implement client-side routing, I have included this step. If you aren't using client-side routing, feel free to skip renaming the index.html file. Read more about adding a 200 page for client-side routing on the Surge help docs.

Lastly, run surge from within that build directory:


That's it!