Decoding JSON into Elixir Structs

Last reviewed on January 22, 2019

For the past 10 years, my programming experience has mostly focussed on JavaScript and PHP. I've learned a few functional programming concepts through JavaScript, such as function purity, immutability, and side effects, but I've never worked with a true functional language. To learn more about functional programming, I've decided to learn Elixir and write about what I learn to help me learn.

I've been going through the Pragmatic Studio Elixir course, and this post is based on one of the exercises. I highly recommend this course!

Let's say we have the following JSON string:

json = ~s([
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Teddy",
    "type": "Brown",
    "hibernating": true
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Smokey",
    "type": "Black"
    "id": 3,
    "name": "Paddington",
    "type": "Brown"

Note, ~s is a sigil and it allows us to easily create a string of JSON without having to escape all of the quotes.

We can parse this JSON into a list of maps using the Poison library:

bears = Poison.decode!(json)
# [
#   %{"hibernating" => true, "id" => 1, "name" => "Teddy", "type" => "Brown"},
#   %{"id" => 2, "name" => "Smokey", "type" => "Black"},
#   %{"id" => 3, "name" => "Paddington", "type" => "Brown"}
# ]

What if we wanted this to be a list of Bear structs instead?

The Bear struct used in the course is similar to the following:

defmodule Bear do
  defstruct id: nil, name: "", type: "", hibernating: false

To convert each map to a Bear struct, we can map over the list: bears, fn(bear) ->
    id: bear["id"],
    name: bear["name"],
    type: bear["type"],
    hibernating: (if bear["hibernating"], do: true, else: false)
# [
#   %Bear{hibernating: true, id: 1, name: "Teddy", type: "Brown"},
#   %Bear{hibernating: false, id: 2, name: "Smokey", type: "Black"},
#   %Bear{hibernating: false, id: 3, name: "Paddington", type: "Brown"}
# ]

This works, but setting each key-value pair is pretty tedious. After some googling, I found the Kernel.struct/2 function, which allows us to create a struct from a map.

So I tried this: bears, fn(bear) ->
  struct(Bear, bear)
# [
#   %Bear{hibernating: false, id: nil, name: "", type: ""},
#   %Bear{hibernating: false, id: nil, name: "", type: ""},
#   %Bear{hibernating: false, id: nil, name: "", type: ""}
# ]

Hmmm, not what I was expecting. All of the values are set to the struct's default values.

After reading about Kernel.struct/2 a bit more, it turns out that string keys are ignored. The keys of the map must be atoms. To convert the keys from strings to atoms, we can use This function allows us to create a new map from an existing map. bears, fn(bear) ->
  bear = bear, fn({key, value}) ->
    {String.to_atom(key), value}

  struct(Bear, bear)
# [
#   %Bear{hibernating: true, id: 1, name: "Teddy", type: "Brown"},
#   %Bear{hibernating: false, id: 2, name: "Smokey", type: "Black"},
#   %Bear{hibernating: false, id: 3, name: "Paddington", type: "Brown"}
# ]

Great, it works!

Now it turns out, there is an even easier way to do this using the Poison library.

Poison.decode!(json, as: [%Bear{}])

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the documentation for this in the Poison.decode!/2 v3.1.0 docs, but thankfully I learned about it in the Pragmatic Studio Elixir course!