Learning How to Loop in Elixir Through Recursion

Last reviewed on January 13, 2019

For the past 10 years, my programming experience has mostly focussed on JavaScript and PHP. I've learned a few functional programming concepts through JavaScript, such as function purity, immutability, and side effects, but I've never worked with a true functional language. To learn more about functional programming, I've decided to learn Elixir and write about what I learn to help me learn.

Looping in Elixir

Elixir doesn't have looping constructs like a for loop or a while loop. Instead, looping is achieved through recursion. If you're not familiar with recursion, recursion is when a function keeps calling itself until some condition is met.

Fire up an iex session and type in the following:

[head | tail] = [1, 2, 3]
head # 1
tail # [2, 3]

Here we've pattern matched against the list using the cons operator (the "|" character). head is the first item in the list and tail is a list of all the other items. We could continue and break down tail until it is an empty list. For example:

[head | tail] = [1, 2, 3]
head # 1
tail # [2, 3]

[head | tail] = tail
head # 2
tail # [3]

[head | tail] = tail
head # 3
tail # []

We can write a recursive function that uses the technique above to go through every item in the list and print out each number:

defmodule MyEnum do
  def each([head | tail]) do

  def each([]), do: nil

MyEnum.each([1, 2, 3])

In Elixir, functions can have multiple clauses. If a function has multiple clauses, Elixir will try each one from top to bottom in the module until one of them matches.

In the example above, we've defined two clauses for the each function. The first function clause will match whenever the first argument is a non-empty list, resulting in it getting called. This function will keep calling itself with tail, which contains one less item on each successive call, until the list is empty, at which point the second clause will match and get called and the recursion will terminate.

The built-in Enum module has a function called each/2 that makes the above more generic and reusable. Enum.each/2 goes through every item in a list using recursion behind the scenes and invokes an anonymous function with each item as its argument. This is similar to Array.prototype.forEach in JavaScript. Here is an example:

Enum.each [1, 2, 3], fn(x) ->

# 1
# 2
# 3

Let's write our own implementation of this to learn more about looping through recursion in Elixir.

Rebuilding Enum.each/2

defmodule MyEnum do
  def each([head | tail], func) do
    each(tail, func)

  def each([], _func), do: nil

MyEnum.each [1, 2, 3], fn(x) ->

Our implementation is very similar to our previous example. The only difference is that we've replaced IO.puts(head) with func.(head) to make it more generic and reusable.

Pretty neat, huh? Now let's write our own implementation of Enum.reduce/3!

Rebuilding Enum.reduce/3

If you aren't familiar with reduce, it is a way to reduce a list to a single value. Summing an array of numbers is one example. In Elixir, we can use Enum.reduce/3. For example:

sum = Enum.reduce [1, 2, 3], 0, fn(x, total) ->
  x + total

sum # 6

This works similar to Array.prototype.reduce in JavaScript if you've seen it there. Here is what the implementation might look like:

defmodule MyEnum do
  def reduce([head | tail], total, func) do
    new_total = func.(head, total)
    reduce(tail, new_total, func)

  def reduce([], total, _func), do: total

sum = MyEnum.reduce [1, 2, 3], 0, fn(x, total) ->
  x + total

This example is pretty similar to the each implementation that we did previously. Here, we invoke func with each item and the accumulating total, which starts off at 0. This returns new_total, which is passed into each recursive call. When reduce is eventually called with an empty list, the second clause of reduce will match, at which point the recursion still stop and total will be returned.

Let's move on and write our own implementation of Enum.map/2.

Rebuilding Enum.map/2

If you haven't used a map function before, it is used to map one list to another list. For example, we can double a list of numbers by calling Enum.map/2:

doubled_numbers = Enum.map [1, 2, 3], fn(x) ->
  x * 2

doubled_numbers # [2, 4, 6]

As we've learned, we can use the cons operator to destructure a list into two parts, the head, which is the first item, and the tail, which is another list of all remaining items.

[head | tail] = [1, 2, 3]
head # 1
tail # [2, 3]

We can also use the cons operator to reconstruct a new list from a single value and another list:

[1 | [2, 3]] # [1, 2, 3]
[1 | [2 | [3, 4]]] # [1, 2, 3, 4]
[1 | []] # [1]
[1 | [2, 3]] == [1, 2, 3] # true

With this in mind, we can rebuild Enum.map/2:

defmodule MyEnum do
  def map([head | tail], func) do
    [func.(head) | map(tail, func)]

  def map([], _func), do: []

MyEnum.map [1, 2, 3], fn(x) ->
  x * 2

In this example, we are taking the list [1, 2, 3] and mapping it to [2 | [4 | [6 | []]]], which is the same as [2, 4, 6].

Let's move on to our last Enum function and rebuild Enum.filter/2.

Rebuilding Enum.filter/2

The filter function is used to take one list and filter it down by some condition which is represented as a function. The function is called for every item in the list. If the function returns a truthy value, that item is kept in the list. If the function returns a falsy value, that item doesn't make it into the new list. Here is an example using the built-in Enum.filter/2:

filtered_items = Enum.filter [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn(x) ->
  x >= 3

filtered_items # [3, 4, 5]

Here is our own implementation:

defmodule MyEnum do
  def filter([head | tail], func) do
    result = func.(head)

    if result do
      [head | filter(tail, func)]
      filter(tail, func)

  def filter([], _func), do: []

MyEnum.filter [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], fn(x) ->
  x >= 3

The implementation is similar to our map function, but with an extra if statement. If result is truthy, we use the cons operator to include it in the list and call filter again with the tail. If result is falsy, we just call filter again and disregard head. We keep doing this until the list is empty, at which point the second filter clause will get executed and end the recursion.


I found reimplementing Enum.each/2, Enum.reduce/3, Enum.map/2, and Enum.filter/2 a great exercise to learn how to loop in Elixir through recursion. I'm sure these functions in the Enum module do more than our implementations, so you should still use those, but nevertheless it is a fun exercise to learn Elixir.