The midterm practical will be an at-home practical on 2/27 from 5-7:00pm where you will build a web application using Laravel based on requirements and a database that. Study the material from weeks 1 to 5.
You can use previous assignments, notes, and the internet to look things up. You are NOT ALLOWED to communicate with anyone in or outside of class by any means. To study, review past assignments and solutions, class demos, and slides.
Create a new Laravel application called "midterm-practical" that connects to SQLite.
Push up your project to GitHub before the midterm.
I highly recommend that you make commits along the way every time you get something working, even if it is very small.
After you've pushed your code to GitHub, record a video where you go over your midterm. This can be done after the midterm practical so that you don't have to take time away from building the project. Send an email with the subject "ITP 405 Spring 2024 midterm practical" to the instructor and TA and include a link to your Zoom recording and a link to your GitHub repo.