Assignment 2

For this assignment, you will install some software that you'll use in this class.


1. Slack

We will use the USC Viterbi School of Engineering Classes Slack workspace to communicate throughout the class. You should have or will receive an invitation from Viterbi in your email to join the workspace. Once you sign up, you should be automatically added to the channel towards the start of the semester. If you didn't receive the email or can't find it, try logging into Slack via Upload a profile picture of yourself to your Slack profile and drop a message in the channel to say hi. You may want to download the desktop and mobile app.

2. Install Git

Verify it was installed by running git --version on the command line. We will cover Git later in this class.

3. Create a GitHub account

Create a GitHub account and add your GitHub username to this Google Sheet. Upload a profile picture of yourself. We will cover GitHub later in this class.