
The midterm will be an at-home practical on 10/23 from 5-8pm where you will build a web application using React based on requirements I give you using the material that we have covered in the weeks leading up to the exam. You can use previous assignments, notes, assignment solutions, and the internet to look things up. You are NOT ALLOWED to communicate with anyone in or outside of the class by any means. To study, review past assignments, Quiz 1, class demos, and any slides that I went over.

You will receive an email at 5pm on the day of the midterm with details about the project you will build.

Topics You Should Study

  • Making GET requests with fetch and traversing JSON
  • useState
  • Conditional rendering
  • map and filter
  • Rendering lists
  • Working with forms (controlled components)
  • Autocomplete inputs and debouncing
  • Client-side routing with React Router

Topics You Don't Need To Study

  • The APIs we've worked with
  • DOMPurify
  • fetch() using POST, PUT, PATCH, or DELETE
  • JSON Server


You may work on this midterm in CodeSandbox and submit that link through your GitHub Classroom repo, or develop locally and push your code up to your GitHub Classroom repo. If you choose the latter, please deploy your midterm to Surge using these instructions and include a link at the top of the README.md file.
