Assignment 6

For this assignment, scaffold a new Laravel application called "assignment-6".

Create a configurations Table

In your database, create a table named configurations with columns id (primary key), name (string), and value (boolean). Create this table with a migration. Be sure to add timestamp columns (created_at and updated_at) via the timestamps() method. These will be used when you update this table via Eloquent.

Insert a record into this table with name set to maintenance-mode and value set to false.

Maintenance Mode Middleware

You are going to create middleware that redirects users to a maintenance mode page (that you design yourself) at the URL path /maintenance if there is a record in the configurations table with a name of maintenance-mode and its value is true. If that record's value is false, users should be able to access the URL they requested. Create a test page at /test with anything you want on it with your middleware applied to it to verify everything works as expected.

If a user makes a request to /maintenance and the maintenance-mode setting is set false, the user should be redirected to /.

Name the middleware class MaintenanceMode.

A Settings Page

Create a secret page at /secret where I can toggle toggle the value column of the record in the configurations table with a name of maintenance-mode using a checkbox. This page should not have the MaintenanceMode middleware applied to it.

Other Requirements

  • Use Eloquent for all database queries

Deploy to Heroku / Zoom Recording

Deploy your Laravel app to Heroku and verify that it works. At the top of your project's, add your Heroku link.

Alternatively, create a Zoom recording where you walk us through all of the requirements of the assignment. Put this link at the top of your project's

GitHub Classroom Submission

Please read the section on Git, GitHub, and GitHub Classroom on the class welcome page if you need to refresh yourself.