Node 2

Last reviewed on March 19, 2018

DELETE /tracks/:id

Create the endpoint DELETE /tracks/:id in your Express application. This endpoint should delete a track using the Bookshelf ORM by the id parameter in the URL. If the deleting is successful, respond with a 204 status code and an empty response body. The 204 status code stands for "No Content" and means that "the server has fulfilled the request but does not need to return an entity-body". See a full list of HTTP status codes. If the track is not found, return a response with a 404 status code. The response should be an object with a key error that has some message indicating that the track wasn't found.

Test out your endpoint using the Chrome extension Postman. This extension is useful for testing POST, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE requests.


Push up your code to your GitHub repository named (itp405-express). You should already have connected this GitHub repository to Heroku for automatic deployments in class. Verify that your app has been deployed and it works on Heroku. Send an email to me and the TA with the repository URL and the URL to the live site on Heroku.