Cascade Deleting Relationships in Ember Data

Last reviewed on February 10, 2017

In Ember Data, if you delete a record from the store, related records are kept in the store. Let's say you have the following models:

export default DS.Model.extend({
  body: DS.attr(),
  comments: DS.hasMany(),
export default DS.Model.extend({
  body: DS.attr(),

Let's assume a post record is loaded into the store along with its comments. If the post is deleted, it is unloaded from the store, but all of its comments remain in the store. Sometimes you want this. Sometimes you don't. If the comments are orphaned records and are no longer used, it might be a good idea to remove them to free up space.

One way to do this is to unload the related records manually. For example:

let comments = post.hasMany('comments').value().toArray();
post.destroyRecord().then(() => {
  comments.forEach(comment => {
    // need access to the store;

This works, but the clarity of the code suffers a little bit, especially if multiple related records need to be unloaded. Also, if this behavior is required in multiple places in your app, it can get repetitive.

Wouldn't it be nice if we could declaratively state that comments should be unloaded when post.destroyRecord() is called? Maybe something like this:

export default DS.Model.extend({
  body: DS.attr(),
  comments: DS.hasMany('comment', { cascadeDelete: true }),

The cascadeDelete option isn't a property recognized by Ember Data, but we can configure our adapter to use it.

Let's create a mixin to contain this behavior and update our application adapter:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Mixin.create({
  // our implementation will go here
import DS from 'ember-data';
import CascadeDeleteMixin from './../mixins/cascade-delete';

export default DS.JSONAPIAdapter.extend(CascadeDeleteMixin, {});

Now let's implement the mixin. From a high level, we'll override the deleteRecord method on the adapter. Before a record is deleted, we'll collect all related records that were declared with the cascadeDelete option. Then, we'll proceed to delete the record, and if the request succeeds, the collected related records will be unloaded from the store. Here is an implementation:

import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Mixin.create({
  deleteRecord(store, type, snapshot) {
    let recordsToUnload = [];

    // collect all records to unload into recordsToUnload variable
    snapshot.record.eachRelationship((name, descriptor) => {
      let { options, kind } = descriptor;
      let relationshipName = descriptor.key;

      if (options.cascadeDelete && kind === 'hasMany') {
        let hasManyRecordsArray = [];
        let hasManyRecords = snapshot.record.hasMany(relationshipName).value();
        if (hasManyRecords !== null) {
          hasManyRecordsArray = hasManyRecords.toArray();
        recordsToUnload = recordsToUnload.concat(hasManyRecordsArray);

      if (options.cascadeDelete && kind === 'belongsTo') {
        let belongsToRecords = snapshot.record
        recordsToUnload = recordsToUnload.concat([belongsToRecords]);

    return this._super(...arguments).then(response => {
      recordsToUnload.forEach(childRecord => {

      return response;

Now a more detailed explanation.

First, we can get access to the record we're about to delete from the snapshot via snapshot.record. Read more about Ember Data snapshots in What are Ember Data Snapshots?.

Next, we can use the DS.Model#eachRelationship method to iterate over the deleted record's relationships, which allows access to the cascadeDelete option through descriptor.options.

We can also get access to the relationship name "comments" with descriptor.key.

To get the related records, we can use Ember Data's ds-references feature to get the related data (i.e. comments) synchronously. Check out this blog post on the Ember blog to learn more about ds-references.

Lastly, the original deleteRecord on the adapter is called, and if that succeeds, the related records can be unloaded from the store.

Now, whenever a post is deleted, all of its comments will be unloaded from the store. This mixin can also be used to cascade delete belongsTo relationships.

Here is the code in a working demo.

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In my new book Pro Ember Data, you will learn how to work with Ember Data efficiently, from APIs, adapters, and serializers to polymorphic relationships, using your existing JavaScript and Ember knowledge. This book will teach you how to adapt Ember Data to fit your custom API.

What You'll Learn

  • Review the differences between normalization and serialization
  • Understand how the built-in adapters and serializers in Ember Data
  • Understand how the built-in adapters and serializers in Ember Data work
  • Customize adapters and serializers to consume any API and write them from scratch
  • Handle API errors in Ember Data
  • Work with the Reddit API using Ember Data
  • Learn how to use polymorphic relationships
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I've been enjoying @iamdtang's Pro Ember Data book. It's to the point and has lots of great examples. My favorite part was about error handling. This book is perfect after you've exhausted the official guides.

Ilya Radchenko

Product Developer at Applied Geographics

Ilya Radchenko

Pro Ember Data is such an approachable book @iamdtang! Good job. Loving the book so far! Thank you!

Lenora Porter

Software Engineer at Heroku

Lenora Porter

Great to see all those topics in which I struggled when I started working on Ember. Nice job, will check it out :)

AbulAsar S

Fullstack Developer

AbulAsar S

I haven't read David's new book, but his previous Ember Data book helped me a lot when I was starting out with Ember, so I am sure this book is a must if you're working with Ember Data!

Kenneth Larsen

Ember Learning Core Team member

Kenneth Larsen

I bought Ember Data in the Wild back in 2016 and found it really helpful. Looking forward to reading this.


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