I get asked pretty frequently, "What is the best way to learn Angular.js?". Here is a path of resources in order of what I think is a good way to learn Angular.
- CodeSchool - Shaping up with Angular.js - Free
- AngularJS Fundamenals in 60-ish Minutes - Free
- Go build something. Take a simple JSONP API, like the iTunes Search API and create a music search application. Allow the user to favorite artists and track. Create song detail pages using angular's router.
- PluralSight - Angular Best Practices
- Refactor the project you built to incorporate some of the best practices. Some things you might want to do include:
- Create directives with isolate scope.
- Move all $http calls from controllers to their own services
- Implement a simple in-memory caching solution into your data service layer.
- PluralSight - AngularJS Patterns: Clean Code
Other Useful Resources
- AngularJS Style Guide - Free: This styleguide basically covers what was in the PluralSight - AngularJS Patterns: Clean Code course mentioned above.
- Pro AngularJS (Expert's Voice in Web Development) - I have only read parts of this book but the parts I read were really good. I especially liked how the author described MVC.
Staying up on Angular
- ng-newsletter - "The free, weekly newsletter of the best AngularJS content on the web."
- Adventures in Angular Podcast