ITP 405: Advanced Back-End Web Development

(4/25) Week 16 - Guest Lecture on NoSQL Databases with Michal Meyers

(4/18) Week 15 - Laravel Livewire, Laravel Conclusion / Introduction to Node.js

(4/11) Week 14 - Building a REST API

(4/4) Week 13 - Consuming Third-Party APIs and Caching

(3/28) Week 12 - Mail and Queues

(3/21) Week 11 - Authorization with Gates and Policies

(3/14) Week 10 - Spring Break (No Class)

(3/7) Week 9 - Midterm

(2/28) Week 8 - Writing Migrations and Custom Middleware (Asynchronous Class)

(2/21) Week 7 - Presidents' Day (No Class)

(2/14) Week 6 - Running Migrations, Authentication, and Built-in Middleware

(2/7) Week 5 - Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)

(1/31) Week 4 - CRUD, Validation, and Flash Messages

(1/24) Week 3 - Introduction to Laravel

(1/17) Week 2 - MLK (No Class)

(1/10) Week 1 - Review of Database-driven Web Pages with PHP and SQL

Week 0 - Class Preparation