Assignment 6

Submit this assignment in CodeSandbox.

If you're interested in developing with React locally, you are welcome to do that. However, please copy over your code to CodeSandbox, verify that it works as expected, and submit that URL. This makes grading and helping out much easier.


Build the following application using React and React Router: This application uses the Pokemon API.

  • Your application must behave exactly the same as the example and show the same data.
  • Your application must have the same client-side routes.
  • Your application must use fetch instead of $.ajax.
  • Feel free to style it however you wish. The example uses Bootstrap.


  • Use the Network tab in Chrome to see the AJAX calls being made. To get to the Network tab, right click on the page and select "Inspect". Then click on "Network". If you click on "Fetch/XHR", it will filter down all the requests in the Network tab to those from AJAX calls.
  • To create a comma separated list from an array, use the join method. For example: [1, 2, 3].join(', ') produces 1, 2, 3. This will be helpful for the Moves and Abilities sections on a Pokemon page.


Send an email to me and the TA with your CodeSandbox link. Use "ITP 404 - Assignment 6" as the email subject.