ITP 405: Advanced Back-End Web Development

(4/16) Week 15 - Securing your Node.js API with JWT and Connecting to it from a Frontend JS Application

(4/9) Week 14 - NoSQL Databases and MongoDB with Michal Meyers

  • No labs or assignments

(4/2) Week 13 - Testing and Continuous Integration

(3/26) Week 12 - Managing Asynchronous Code with async/await

(3/19) Week 11 - Node.js 3: Sequelize ORM

(3/12) Week 10 - Spring Break

  • No class

(3/5) Week 9 - Node.js 2: Real-Time with Web Sockets

(2/26) Week 8 - Midterm

(2/19) Week 7 - Node.js 1: The Fundamentals and Building a REST API

(2/12) Week 6 - Laravel 4: Authentication and Middleware

(2/5) Week 5 - Laravel 3: Object-Relational Mapping with Eloquent

(1/29) Week 4 - Laravel 2: Working with Forms

(1/22) Week 3 - Laravel 1: Intro to MVC

(1/15) Week 2 - PDO

(1/8) Week 1